Research in psychology and communication has shed light on the importance of Active listening skills in personal and professional interactions (McNaughton et al., 2008). Listening plays a crucial role in effective communication and understanding, and assessing one's listening skills is a fundamental step toward becoming a more effective communicator.

Unfortunately, studies consistently demonstrate the prevalence of poor listening skills in society. Retention rates of information heard in conversations can be as low as 25% immediately after listening, and within 48 hours, individuals typically forget about 75% of what they have heard (Dewart & Cowan, 2007). This lack of active listening contributes to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and strained relationships. In professional settings, poor listening skills have also been associated with decreased job satisfaction, reduced productivity, and impaired teamwork (Patrick, 2010).

To address these challenges, it is crucial to assess and improve listening skills. Taking BoxPlay's Active listening test can serve as a valuable tool for personal and professional development. Understanding one's listening style helps individuals comprehend how they approach communication and how they may be perceived by others. By identifying their listening style, individuals can work on improving their communication skills and becoming more effective communicators.

By evaluating their listening abilities, individuals gain valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to cultivate better relationships and navigate social interactions with greater ease

BoxPlay team of psychologists and communication experts has conducted research to identify various types of listeners, namely Active, Selective, Passive and competitive. By taking this test, individuals can identify their specific weaknesses as listeners, as each type of listener may have distinct areas where improvement is needed.

For example, individuals who identify as competitive listeners, focusing on finding weaknesses in arguments or proving their point, can strive to be more open-minded and collaborative in their communication. Selective listeners, who tend to focus only on information that is relevant to them or aligns with their interests, can work on broadening their perspective and being more inclusive in their listening. Passive listeners, who may be disengaged or easily distracted, can improve their focus and engagement in conversations. On the other hand, individuals who identify as active listeners can build on this strength and continue developing their CQ: Communication Quotient™ to become even more effective communicators.

Taking the active listening test not only helps individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses in communication but also enables them to take steps towards improving their listening skills and their overall communication effectiveness. By actively working on enhancing their listening abilities, individuals can foster better relationships, avoid misunderstandings, and achieve greater success in both personal and professional domains.

Click here to take the listening test

Patrick, S.Y., 2010. Perception of workplace active listening skills in relationship to workplace productivity (Doctoral dissertation, University of Phoenix).

Dewar MT, Cowan N, Sala SD. Forgetting due to retroactive interference: a fusion of Müller and Pilzecker's (1900) early insights into everyday forgetting and recent research on anterograde amnesia. Cortex. 2007 Jul;43(5):616-34. doi: 10.1016/s0010-9452(08)70492-1. PMID: 17715797; PMCID: PMC2644330

McNaughton, D., Hamlin, D., McCarthy, J., Head-Reeves, D., & Schreiner, M. (2008). Learning to Listen: Teaching an Active Listening Strategy to Preservice Education Professionals. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 27(4), 223–231.