When communication is not only constituted by the words that make up sentences or when is totally devoid of them, it takes the name of metacommunication, which is the communication act performed with factors other than or additional to the spoken language. Because the transmission of messages takes place in a different way from the intrinsic meaning of the words or even without them, we speak of hierarchically superior communications, non-verbal messages, body language and behavioral communication.The systemic-relational school of Palo Alto has also studied the analogical modalities through which communication takes place, that is all that concerns non-verbal language. Non-verbal communication takes place through three main modalities:

Paralinguistics: i.e. non-linguistic characteristics of speech: pronunciation, tone, dialectal inflection, speed, pauses, silence.
Kinesics: i.e. body movements, facial expressions and mimicry.
Proxemics i.e. proximity between interlocutors, which varies from culture to culture.
The proxemics varies according to the types of relationships between the interlocutors:
Minimum distance (from 0 to 45 cm): characterizes intimate relationships;
Personal distance (from 45 to 120 cm): close, but not excessively distant, allows the person to interact with the other by touching him/her;
Social distance (from 120 to 360 cm): distance typical of work and school situations, often the distance and the difference in roles are marked by the juxtaposition of a barrier between the two interlocutors, such as a table or the chair;
Public distance (over 360 cm): typical of theaters, concerts and courts.

The same word accompanied by specific tone or a body posture that is in contrast with the intrinsic message communicates something completely different from the meaning of the words used. These other elements therefore alter the meaning of the words being said, giving the communication a different meaning that prevails over them, so what will have value is not the set of phrases used but the body mimicry, the postural attitude, the tone of voice used. Starting from this assumption, Bateson, (1963) introduces the concepts of report and command, giving them two completely different meanings.
The report is the mere communication of a linguistic message, while the command is the communication of a metaphysical message, in fact it can take place even with just the use of glances or with a particular posture of the body without any word being expressed. Evaluating the communicative potential of metaphysics, one can come to the conclusion that it is the pathology of linguistic communication, in that it outclasses and replaces it, rendering it ineffective.

Metacommunication & the CQ is the New IQ courses:

The BoxPlay team of clinical psychologists and learning experts has integrated the metacommunication knowledge into the development of the CQ: The New IQ courses. By recognizing its significance within effective communication, the team has ensured that the courses encompassed a comprehensive understanding of communication dynamics. Through the use of video and other multimedia modalities, learners are exposed to real life examples that demonstrate how non verbal cues, body language and tone of voice can influence the meaning and impact of a message.

By incorporating the metacommunicative aspects of communication in the courses content, the BoxPlay team promotes an enhanced awareness of the multifaceted nature of communication. Learners are encouraged to consider the meta content and the contextual factors that shape communication dynamics. Learners are exposed to diverse communication scenarios, allowing them to observe and analyze the impact of non-verbal elements alongside verbal communication. By incorporating these insights into the course development, the CQ: Is the New IQ courses ensure that learners acquire a comprehensive skill set that goes beyond linguistic proficiency, empowering them to navigate complex communication situations effectively.