Theory of Mind refers to the ability to comprehend and attribute mental states, such as beliefs, intentions and emotions to oneself and others (Baron-Cohen, 1995).CQ: Communication Quotient™ plays a pivotal role in the development and utilization of Theory of Mind, as it facilitates information exchange and social interaction with others. Through communication, individuals gain access to a wide array of social cues, including verbal and non verbal cues, facial expressions, tone of voice and body language (Frith and Frith. 2003). This process enables the nuanced understanding of others’ mental states, including their beliefs, intentions and emotions.

CQ:Communication Quotient™ also entails the capacity to adopt others’ perspectives and engage with their experiences. This involves a sophisticated grasp of others’ mental states and the ability to utilize this knowledge to guide one’s behavior and communication.

Thus, according to the CQ: Communication Quotient™ Integrated Model, CQ: Communication Quotient ™ and Theory of Mind are intertwined, with CQ: Communication Quotient ™  relying on the comprehension and interpretation of others’ mental states and Theory of Mind employing this understanding to navigate social interactions and communicate effectively.

Baron-Cohen, S. (1995). Mindblindness: An essay on autism and theory of mind. MIT Press.

Frith, C. D., & Frith, U. (2003). Development and neurophysiology of mentalizing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 358(1431), 459-473.